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ISSN 2310-4376
DOI: 10.17273/CADGIS.2016.1
Issue PDF
Whether the requirements of the new standards are implementable or not?
DOI: 10.17273/CADGIS.2016.1.8
- A.A. Bagdasaryan, director of SNPTS Rosdorteh Corp. (Sarator, Russia)
- A.V. Karpov, chief metrologist of SNPTS Rosdorteh Corp. (Sarator, Russia)
The article starts the series of articles on new international standards
published for providing a full action of Technical Regulations of the Customs
Union "Safety of Highways". It discusses the shortcomings, mistakes and
inaccuracies in the statements of the newly published standard GOST 32729-2014,
which describes methods of measuring flexible pavement deflection. Suggestions
for revision of the standard before it pass are given.
author = "Bagdasaryan, A.A. and Karpov, A.V.",
title = "Whether the requirements of the new standards are implementable or not?",
journal = "CAD & GIS for roads",
year = "2016",
number = "1(6)",
pages = "52--55",
language = russian
Permanent URL
BIM, building information modeling, information modeling, road information modeling,
CAD, computer-aided design, computer-aided road design, road design, highway engineering,
GIS, geographic information system, GIS for road and highway management,
technical regulations, roads, highways, road infrastructure,
road diagnostics, highway diagnostics, pavement diagnostics,
assessment of transport and the technical condition of roads
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- GOST 32729-2014. Dorogi avtomobilnyye obshchego polzovaniya. Metod izmereniya uprugogo progiba nezhestkikh dorozhnykh odezhd dlya opredeleniya prochnosti [Roads. Method for measuring the elastic deflection of pavement to determine the strength]. Moscow, 2014. 8 p. (in Russian)
- ODM 218.3.023-2012. Metodicheskiye rekomendatsii po opredeleniyu modulya uprugosti dorozhnoy odezhdy s ispolzovaniyem staticheskogo zhestkogo shtampa [Guidelines to determine the elastic modulus of the pavement using a static die hard]. Moscow, 2012. (in Russian)
- GOST 13646-68. Termometry steklyannyye rtutnyye dlya tochnykh izmereniy. Tekhnicheskiye usloviya [Glass thermometers, mercury for precision measuring. Specifications]. Moscow, 2005. 10 p. (in Russian)