DOI: 10.17273/CADGIS.2017.1.12
The term "road interchange" is usually applied to road crossings at different levels. It means a complex of facilities, allowing one to choose from several possible directions. This complex can include slopes, bridges, tunnels, etc. With the development of transportation road interchanges become more and more complicated but their main purpose stays constant — to make road crossing safe and easy. The history of road interchanges is long and amusing. How did road transportation schemes change in time? Where did the first interchanges appear? Where the greatest transportation hubs are located? Where the most ambitious projects are implemented? The article considers the origins of different kinds of interchanges in the historical and cultural aspect.
author = "Kuznetsova, A.P.",
title = "Road interchanges genealogy",
journal = "CAD & GIS for roads",
year = "2017",
number = "1(8)",
pages = "84--92",
language = russian
Permanent URL
road design, highway engineering, roads, highways, road infrastructure