Widespread BIM implementation in Russia started in 2013. A considerable success has been reached in application of BIM to construction of buildings and industrial facilities. National standards have been developed, software has been developed, customers have learned to interact with contractors using new methodology, a great number of projects have been implemented and analyzed. The main present-day challenge is to adapt BIM ideas from buildings to structures and to create "BIM for infrastructure" or InfraBIM for roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, airports, seaports, utilities and even "BIM for cities". The article that considers the experience of Lenpromtransproject in implementing information modeling in road design by the example of the pilot project is presented in the BIM section. CAD section presents practical application of IndorSoft leading software: the pavement calculation system IndorPavement and the traffic design system IndorTrafficPlan. GIS section contains the article that considers the experience of road geoportal development and putting into operation in the Russian Highways State Company.