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ISSN 2310-4376
DOI: 10.17273/CADGIS.2019.2
Issue PDF
Common data environment as tool of owner
DOI: 10.17273/CADGIS.2019.2.2
- M.V. Piskunov, head of section of IT of Autodor-Engineering LLC (Moscow, Russia)
The problems of common data environment (CDE) implementation in road construction are considered
in the article. The customer tasks requiring automation are described, and feasibility of using
CAD and GIS and electronic document management systems for the resolution of these tasks.
The obstacles to the creation of the unified software for customers are considered. The advantages
of CDE separate module creation are described. The module can provide the automation of information
gathering, storing and transmission process and secure access to the data for all the participants.
author = "Piskunov, M.V.",
title = "Common data environment as tool of owner",
journal = "CAD & GIS for roads",
year = "2019",
number = "2(13)",
pages = "12--17",
language = russian
Permanent URL
BIM, InfraBIM, OpenBIM, building information modeling, information modeling, road information modeling,
CAD, computer-aided design, computer-aided road design, road design, highway engineering,
GIS, geographic information system, GIS for road and highway management,
roads, highways, road infrastructure, CDE, common data environment
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